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9th March 2023

Well, here we are in early 2023, and having taken a sabbatical during the Pandemic due to Richie's clinical vulnerability following his chemotherapy which resulted in him having a massively compromised immune system, he only went and fell backwards down the stairs of his home in October 2021, resulting in nerve damage to both of his arms and rendering him incapable of holding an instrument, let alone playing one. 14 months later he has had steroid injections in both shoulders, and tentatively, there seems to be enough improvement to consider getting back together to practice again, and for him to rebuild his muscle memory.

Therefore, we are provisionally looking at starting to take bookings again from June 2023 onwards. 

We'll keep you posted of our progress.


Details of all bookings, public and private, will appear on our LIVE SHOWS page.






30th January 2017

To anyone who has ever been present at a Dumbo's Feather Ceilidh, they will be fully aware that the three band members have always been augmented by the presence of our resident dance caller Martin Hodge. Martin's job was to take control of our wild flamboyant energy that makes us a dynamic stage presence and channel it into a disciplined unit, playing tightly in time to ensure that each dance he was teaching the audience was so much easier to follow.

Tragically, and completely unexpectedly, the news broke on January 24th 2017 of Martin's sudden passing, and at a stroke, the band had not only lost a dear friend and colleague, but the South-West music scene had suddenly lost one of of its finest champions of musical diversity. 

Martin was a kind and gentle soul, firmly committed to many principled causes, but could never be mistaken for a weak person, as these deeply-rooted beliefs, supportive of a multitude of people from many ethnic, gender, social or musical backgrounds, would see Martin with both feet planted firmly in the foreground when required, without hesitation.

We have lost a great man, and although ultimately we all need to carry on, anyone whose life he touched will miss him dearly.

So long pal. We love you.



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